I have worked as a dietitian in the NHS and private practice for over 7 years. During this time I have mainly specialised in nutrition for cancer. However, my clinical experience and academic study have also led me to be passionate about promoting health for every size of body and providing personalised nutrition plans as every body is different!
I base my nutrition advice on the latest scientific evidence. Nutrition research is a fast evolving field and keeping up to date with this is a vital part of my work as a dietitian.
Food is one of the few things in life that we truly cannot live without. It serves so many purposes. On a basic level it gives us energy, keeps us warm and provides the building blocks to grow and maintain or bodies. But it also contributes to regulating our emotions and helping us connect with our loved ones and our culture.
Have you ever been on a diet? I’m sure you probably have. Then you will probably have experienced that wonderful feeling of success when you first reduce what you are eating and perhaps start exercising more and see the weight start to drop off. You will also probably have experienced hitting a sticking point with your weight, maybe a month later, maybe 6 months later, but you will have hit this. After hitting this sticking point, a while later you might have noticed that the weight was creeping back on again, even if you were still being really strict with your diet and exercise. Some more time will have passed and you will have noticed that you are back to your original weight, or possibly even heavier and feeling utterly demoralised.
Is this because you weren’t restricting your food enough? Is this because you weren’t exercising enough? Is this because you lack willpower?
NO! It most certainly is not.
Women's Health Initiative trial (Howard et al. 2006) monitored around 20,000 women who were following a low fat, calorie reduced diet and compared their weights to around 30,000 similar women who were not following a diet. After 1 year on the diet these women were on average 1.9kg lighter than those not dieting. By 7.5 years on this diet, this had reduced to 0.1kg.
This is not a lot of gain for dedicating 7.5 years of your life to restricting your food!
Weight focus may also have unintended negative consequences. It can lead to obsessive and disordered behaviours around food and body, it can distract from more meaningful health goals and it really reduces self-esteem as it’s nearly impossible to achieve the long-term weight loss you strive for.
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Alternatively many individuals choose to self- fund.)